This article covers the steps to creating and editing your licenses. To skip ahead:
Adding Licenses
Simplifya gives you two ways to add licenses, badges, and certifications to Simplifya. They are:
- Using the "+ Add" button from the main License Tracker page
- Bulk importing licenses from a CSV file
Adding a license from License Tracker
Once on the License Tracker page, click the "+ Add" to add a new type of license. After selecting your license category ("State License", "Badge", etc.), here are the fields to fill out for your new license:
- Location: The Simplifya location which the license belongs to.
- License Type: The license identifier or descriptor.
- License Number: The identifying number issued for a license, badge, or certification.
- Expiration Date: The date on which a license will expire.
- Renewal Date: The date which a license should begin being renewed. This is optional.
- The renewal date field is only present on State Licenses, and must be on or before the "Expiration Date".
- License Status: Select one of your custom statuses to a license (see: Managing Custom Statuses). This is optional.
- Licensing Authority: The governing body that has issued a license. This is optional.
- Reminders: The number of days before the "Expiration Date" to receive email reminders about this license (see: Setting Renewal Reminders). This is optional.
- Send Reminders To: The users or email addresses whom license reminders will be sent to. This is optional.
- Renewal Cost: The dollar amount associated with renewing a license, badge, or certification. This is optional.
- Company: A brand or entity who is the holder or license owner. This is optional.
- Parent Company: The parent company of the company. This is optional.
- DBA: The DBA of the company. This is optional.
- Note: Details or description about a license or license activity. This is optional.
- Add Documents: Attach any documents relevant to the license. This is optional.
Bulk importing licenses
Once on the License Tracker page, click the ellipses () icon at the top of the page and select "Import Licenses".
For an in-depth explanation of how to import your licenses, see: Importing Licenses into License Tracker.
Editing Licenses
Editing the license data allows you to change any of the properties around a license (like "License Number", "Renewal Reminders", etc.). To edit the data for a license:
- Click on the ellipses (
) icon next to a license.
- Click "Edit".
- Update the field(s) which you'd like to change.
- Click "Update License".
Deleting Licenses
There are two ways to delete a license: On the "Edit" modal and by checking the box next to the license on the License Tracker table.
Deleting a License on the "Edit" Modal:
- Click on the ellipses (
) icon next to a license.
- Click "Edit".
- In the "Edit License" modal that opens, click the "Delete [Category] License" text that appears in red at the bottom of the modal.
Deleting a License from the License Tracker table:
- Check the box next to the license (or licenses) you'd like to delete. Once a box has been checked next to a license, the "Delete Selected" button on the License Tracker table will be enabled.
- Click the "Delete Selected" button.
Deleting a license cannot be reversed.
Only Managers and Administrators on the account can add and edit licenses. The following permissions apply:
- Administrators: Can create and access all licenses at all locations.
- Managers: Can create and access all licenses at the locations they belong to.
- Employees: Employees do not have access to the License Tracker.
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