Simplifya's Audits module gives you the ability to create your own questions and either add them to Simplifya audits, or conduct audits of just your own questions.
Navigating to question manager
You can create and manage questions through the new "Questions" sub-module. To create a new question:
- Click the hamburger menu icon in the top right of the screen.
- In the slide-in navigation, select "Audits", and then "Questions".
- Click the "Add Question" button to create a new question.
To read more about viewing and managing your questions, see: Question Manager.
Custom question fields
Once on the create question page, here are the fields to fill out for your new question:
- Question Title: The Question Title will be listed in the question tree when conducting an audit, and will give auditors a way to identify and navigate to a question.
- Question: The text of the question which an auditor will provide an answer to. Note: You cannot have two questions using the exact same text.
Action Item(s): When an Action Item is added, a remediation task will be created when a user selects the question’s non-compliant answer during an audit. A question can have more than one Action Items. All Action Items will show when a question is answered non-compliant.
This is optional.- For more details about Action Items, see: Action Items: Overview.
State: The options in the state field include any states where the company has an active location or "All". If a state other than “All“ is selected:
- A question will only appear when auditing locations in that state
- A question can only be added to Question Groups matching that state
Question Group(s): Question Groups allow you to isolate a subset of your questions for auditing. Only Question Groups matching this question’s “State“ state will appear in the drop down.
This is optional. -
Risk: Assign a risk ("High", "Medium", "Low") to your questions in order to identify the most important remediation items in your reports.
This is optional. - Category: Select from categories you’ve created. Questions will be grouped by category in the audit interface when conducting an audit and in audit reports.
Answer: Select the possible answers for this question, and the compliance status for each. Any of the three answer choices can be configured to have the following compliance statuses: "Compliant", "Non-Compliant", "Pending".
- A question must have at least two answers selected in order to be saved.
- Note: Answers with a “Non-Compliant“ status will generate an Action Item if one has been added.
After adding all fields to a question, you can either save the question as a draft, or publish the question. See Question Statuses for more details.
Question statuses
Questions have two attributes which determine whether they can be pulled into an audit.
- Status: Possible options are "Active"/"Inactive". Questions start out as "Active" upon creation.
- Display: Possible options are "Draft"/"Published". Upon creation, a question can be saved as either, depending on the button clicked upon creating the question.
Note: When editing a question, the "Display" and "Status" fields will also show on the question view screen.
In order to appear in audits, a question must be both "Active" and "Published". |
Only Managers and Administrators on the account can create custom questions. The following permissions apply:
- LO Administrators: Can attach questions to any state in which the business has a location.
- LO Managers: Can attach questions to any state in which the business has a location AND they are added.
- AC Administrators/AC Auditors: Can attach questions to any state listed in the “My Markets“ company setting.
For more about creating your own questions and Question Groups:
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