Once you've finalized your audit, Simplifya will generate the audit report. Your audit report is viewable within the Simplifya web app, but can also be downloaded into a .PDF file.
To skip ahead to a particular section in your audit report:
Components of an Audit Report
Here's the information your audit report will provide:
General Audit Info
The top portion of your audit includes a header section with the following details:
- Audit Number
- Business Name and Location
- Names of Auditor(s)
- Licenses audited
- Regulations audited (state, local, etc.)
- Audit history (Date assigned, due date, date finalized)
The header also includes an ellipses icon ( |
Audit Stats
Just below the header section is a blue bar provided audit statistics, including:
- Total. Number of questions asked.
- Compliant. Number of questions answered in a way that indicated compliance.
- Non-Compliant. Number of questions answered in a way that indicated non-compliance.
- Marked as Pending. Number of questions answered as "Pending". Typically, questions marked as pending are not viewed as compliant or non-compliant.
- N/A. Number of questions answered "N/A" (i.e. viewed as not applicable by the auditor).
- Muted. Number of muted questions in the audit. Muted questions are ignored and do not have to be answered.
- Action Items completed. The percentage of Action Items that have been marked as resolved.
Ideally, you want to get to 100% resolution of your audit's Action Items. Which means all areas of non-compliance identified on your audit report have been addressed and are no longer considered non-compliant. |
Category list
The left side of the page includes the list of categories addressed within the audit. For a full audit, this will include all categories.
Each category in the list includes:
- Category name (with the number of questions in that category in parenthesis)
- Action Item indicators. Depending upon the compliance status of answers, you might see the following colored indicators next to a category name:
- Number of unresolved Action Items in that category. Indicated by a red dot.
- Number of resolved Action Items in that category. Indicated by a green dot.
- Number of in review Action Items in that category. Indicated by a yellow dot.
In addition, each category in the list can be clicked to show only the questions within that category.
Question List
The question list includes the question content within the audit. From here, you can:
Filtering questions in a report
Make use of the following fields to filter your question list:
- Search questions. Type a word or phrase to see all relevant questions with that text in them.
- Show. Highlight only muted questions or only questions that have been answered (i.e. aren't muted).
- Risk. Highlight only questions that have been assign "High", "Medium" or "Low" risk.
- Compliance Status. Filter by questions that are compliant or non-compliant. Additionally, you can choose questions in a pending status (have been answered "Mark as Pending") or questions with a status of "N/A" (have been answered "N/A").
- Action Item Status. For questions that are non-compliant, filter those questions with resolved (or unresolved) Action Items statuses. This filter will only list questions that are non-compliant.
- Attachments. Filter questions with documents or auditor notes attached to them. This will only filter audit questions with attachments, and not the Action Items generated by answering questions as non-compliant.
Viewing the details of a question
Every question in the audit report can be drilled into to view:
- The full text of every question and how it was answered
- The regulatory citation for each question asked
- The license(s) that the question pertained to
- All notes added while conducting and while reviewing the audit
- All pictures added while conducting and while reviewing the audit
- Action Items relevant to the question (solutions to restore compliance for questions answered in a way that indicates non-compliance)
- The risk assigned to a question (e.g. "High", "Medium", "Low")
- The Activity Log (the history of answer choices and attachments created for a question)
Similar to conducting a self audit, you can also flag questions if you believe there's an issue with the content. For more on flagging questions, see: Reporting an Issue With An Audit Question. |
Other Audit Report Features
The audit report interface also offers the ability to:
- Download a password-protected .PDF file of the audit report
- Assign Action Items to team members
- Add comments and pictures to Action Items for other users to see
- Mark Action Items as "Completed" or "In Review"
- Set the due dates for Action Items
If you add a password to your PDF download, anyone you share that PDF with will need the password you created for that file. If you ever forget the password to an audit report PDF, just log into your account and download a new one. You can create a new password for that file before it saves to your computer. |
The security and privacy of your company's account is extremely important to us. We do not share or provide access to your company's account to anyone outside of the users that you've added. We have protections in place so that Simplifya employees don't even have access to your audit reports.
Here is who has access to an audit report:
- The person that conducted the audit
- Managers at the location that was audited
- All Administrators on your account
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