When creating an audit, you may have noticed an option in the Additional Configurations section that allows you to make the audit a "Training Audit." We've gotten a lot of feedback from our clients who say they use Simplifya audits as a training tool for new hires and for promoting existing employees. We took that feedback and built a feature for it.
Training Audits allow you to assign an audit to someone to gauge their knowledge of the cannabis regulations in your city and state.
Training audits work just like regular audits, but are different in 4 ways:
- When conducting the audit, there is a banner at the top of the screen that says "This is a Training Audit."
- There's no "In Review" stage when completing the audit. Once the auditor has answered all of the questions and clicks the "Complete Audit" button (or taps the "Complete Audit" button in the iOS app), the audit is then finalized.
- There are no Action Items generated. The finalized audit report will just show which questions were answered in a way that indicates non-compliance. The solution to restore compliance and the ability to assign the task are not available.
- Training audits are marked with a
icon on the "Manage Audits" screen for easy reference.
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