The "SOPs" module is where, you guessed it, you manage all of your company's SOPs. In this module, you can:
- create, edit, view, and delete SOPs;
- create new versions of existing SOPs (to record material changes);
- create duplicates of existing SOPs;
- assign SOPs to team members for completion;
- view current and past assignees for SOPs you've assigned;
- edit SOP Templates that you've saved;
- and manage user permissions and access for your SOPs.
The SOPs table in the SOPs module
The SOPs table
When you first come to the SOPs module, you'll land on a list of all your SOPs that shows following details of each SOP:
- SOP Name
- Category: You have the option of categorizing each SOP. This column will show the selected category, or will be empty if the SOP has not been categorized.
- State: You can make your SOPs only visible to users at locations in states you specify. This column will show the states where users have access to this SOP, or will be empty if no states are selected.
- Version: When you create a new version of an SOP, Simplifya tracks the version number (new versions are automatically incremented).
Effective: The "Effective" date is a field that you can manually update and can be used one of two ways:
- It can be used to indicate the effective date of the regulations that the SOP pertains to. This is how it is used on Simplifya-created SOP templates, however, once you save an SOP template, your use of this field can be changed.
- You can also use this date to mean the date you'd like your company to begin using this SOP.
Learn more here.
Last Revised: The "Last Revised" date is a field that you can manually update and is used to indicate the last date that the SOP was updated.
Note: This field does not automatically update when an edit is made, and this is by design. We didn't want spelling fixes, etc. to give users the impression that the actual content of the SOP has changed. - Locations: You can make your SOPs only visible to users at specific locations. This column will show the locations where users have access to this SOP, or will be empty if no states are selected.
- Tasks: The number of tasks you've added to the SOP (not including section names)
Actions You Can Take on This Screen
Locating an SOP
At the top of your SOPs table, there is a search field and filters to help you locate the SOP you're looking for. You have the ability to hide these at any time by clicking the "Filter Options ^" text in the top right.
- Search field: Search for key words in the name and/or fields of your SOP to easily find the one you’re looking for.
Filters: You can also use the filters to quickly whittle down your SOP list.
- SOP Name
- Category
- Location
- Type: Filter by whether the SOP was created from a Simplifya template or from scratch.
- Version: This filter defaults to "Current", but you can switch this to Upcoming, Previous, or All versions. The version of an SOP is determined by the Effective Date.
Managing your SOPs module
In the top right corner, there is an ellipses icon that, depending on your permission level, will display more features within the SOPs module:
- Manage Categories: This feature allows Administrators on the account to create new and edit existing SOP categories for your company.
- Bulk Download: This feature allows you to download all of your SOPs at once, and gives you the option of downloading them all as individual PDF files, or downloading them all in a single PDF file.
- Category View / Table View: This feature allows you to switch from displaying your SOPs module as a table or grouping your SOPs in folders by Category.
- SOP Permissions: This feature allows you to manage what each user permission or individual user is able to do in the SOPs module for your company. You can manage who has access to features and limit or expand their access.
Next to the ellipses icon in the top right is the Create New SOP button, which allows you to create a new SOP for your company.
Actions for each SOP on the SOPs table
For each SOP on your SOPs table, there is ellipses icon on the right side of each line on the SOPs table.
- View/Edit SOP: This will open the SOP, where you can view the SOP and make any necessary edits.
- Preview PDF: This will open a modal on your screen with a preview of the PDF of your SOP.
- Conduct SOP: This will create an SOP assignment for you that is due today, and you can begin immediately. Upon completion, there will be a record of your completed assignment on the Assignments tab.
- Print: This allows you to print the PDF of the SOP.
You can also just click on any line of the SOPs table and an "SOP Details" pane will slide out on the right, providing a quick reference for additional details such as:
- when the SOP was created
- who created the SOP
- who last updated the SOP
- a list of previous versions of the SOP
- who has access to the SOP. You can also set the user permissions for that particular SOP.
- a list of Past/existing assignments of the SOP
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