When conducting an audit, every Simplifya audit question includes a feature that shows the regulatory citations relevant to the question, and also the definitions of any terms used within the question that have been defined within the regulations.
Clickable Citations
To view the text of the relevant regulation for each audit questions, start by clicking the blue "Citation(s)" anchor text on the audit question. You can do this at any stage of the audit process.
In the window that opens, clicking on the regulation will open another window in the bottom right corner of your screen that will show the full text of the regulation.
For additional information about the law, just click the blue “+” sign at the top. The pop-up box will expand to reveal the body that adopted the law, the date the law was published, and context for where the law can be found:
For more details on how Simplifya formats citations in our content, see Citation Format.
Defined Terms
Sometimes our audit questions include a word or phrase that has been defined in the regulations. In an effort to provide as much context as possible, we've made these words or phrases clickable so that the auditor can see the definition from the regulations. These defined terms will appear in blue text.
In the screenshot below, you can see "limited access area" and "Commission" are defined terms. To see the definition of each term, just click on them.
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